Sunday, April 3, 2011

Lesson 6 Prompt: Political Cartoon Analysis

The political cartoon I chose to write on is shown at the bottom of this entry. It is a political commentary on the current Canadian Prime Minister’s environmental policy. It shows Mr. Harper standing on a sinking iceberg, while two polar bears sit watching with one saying “Harper’s latest environmental platform”. With all the controversy over global warming and its effects on the environment the cartoon uses the setting effectively. Harper has been criticized in the media for not taking a strong enough stance against global warming. He is standing on a sinking iceberg representing the melting of the polar ice caps, which is caused by global warming. If the warming continues it is presumed he will drown which signifies the need for a change to his policies to survive this election. Climate change is an important topic in the upcoming federal election and this cartoon really makes the viewer think. My thesis statement for this cartoon is- Mr. Harper’s environmental platform is not strong enough. If he fails strengthen his environmental platform his political career will not survive this election.

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