Monday, May 2, 2011

Lesson 15 Prompt: Cover Letter

Joseph Cahill
28 Evergreen Way S.W
Calgary Alberta T2Y 3K7

May 2, 2011

Dave Campbell
Vice President of Operations
BP Canada
240 4th Ave S.W
Calgary AB T2Y 3K7

Dr Mr Campbell:

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as a writer in hopes of gaining part time employment with BP Canada. I have recently completed an English 111 course, which was offered through the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The course has taught me a great deal about the writing process and has made me a much stronger writer.

My father, Paul Cahill, works at BP Canada and has only great things to say about the company. He has informed me of an internship position in your Human Resources department and has recommended it to me. I feel that BP will provide a positive business atmosphere that will allow for me to get to know the ropes in the business world.

I have attached a copy of my writing resume and I would hope that you take a moment to read over it. I feel that with my Dad working for the company already I will be able to settle in at BP very quickly. I feel that my English course has taught me enough to be a valuable asset to your company. I am quite a hard worker and I work well in a team environment. This would be a great opportunity for me and I would love nothing more than to have a chance to work with BP.

Thank you very much for your time and for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Joseph Cahill

Joseph Cahill
English F111

Lesson 15 Prompt: Writing Resume

Joseph Cahill
28 Evergreen Way S.W
Calgary Alberta T2Y 3K7

Objective: To use the information taught in ENGL F111X to gain employment with BP Canada

Academic Writing Experience:

Winter 2011 Introduction to Academic Writing-ENGL F111X

• “ You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Gone” - Composed a two page essay on a personal weakness I discovered through previous life experiences
• “Battle Brewing in the Oil Sands”- Completed a seven page essay that supported development in the Athabasca oil sands. The topic is very controversial in Canada. Researched the topic and consulted nine different sources before completing the essay. Work cited page and a working bibliography were also included in the assignment.
Modern World History- HIST F100X
• “Economic Growth Models”- Wrote a 1,500 word essay discussing the three free market economic models for growth that were present in the early 1980’s. Also completed four single paragraph definition for the terms Milton Freedman, Japan-bashing, Confusion capitalism and Gastarbeiter.

Fall 2008 SAT Written Response

• “ A Strong Leader” – Completed an essay on why it is necessary for any group of people to be governed in some way by an individual with strong leadership skills

Additional Writing Experience:

Fall 2008 Prepared and delivered a three page speech for a cousins wedding

Fall 2008 Composed a 250 word essay on what life lessons I had learned through hockey for a scholarship application

Fall 2007 Prepared and delivered a four page eulogy for a friends funeral

References: Available upon request

Lesson 14 Prompt: If You Could Do It All Again

Write about what you wish you had done differently while you worked on your paper.

Overall I am fairly happy with how my research paper went. I was very happy with my planning and research. I think I planned and researched enough to fully understand the topic and all opinions on it. Obviously it is fairly tough to defend something that has a negative environmental impact. I wish I had have gone over the environmental argument a little more thoroughly but I was running out of available space. One thing that greatly helped with the writing process was having summaries of each source I used. When I was looking to make a certain point it was easy to look back over my notes and find which source would support that point best. I wrote the rough draft in only one day and I sort of rushed it a little bit. This led to some wording problems that made the revising process a little bit longer. Having my mom there to help me in the revising process was great though and I was able to fix most of my mistakes. This was a really fun topic to research as it is so controversial here in Canada. The federal election is today and two of the major parties ran on platforms that may slow oil sands development and it will be very interesting to see what happens if they get power. All things considered I am pretty happy with how everything went and I look forward to similar writing assignments in the future.