Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lesson 4 Prompt: Previewing

How did previewing sections of a book (rather than simply reading them) help you to understand the material? (If you are not practicing previewing the written material it will show in your work.)
I find the previewing a section before you read it in its entirety is very helpful. As you preview a section the illustrations and key terms are usually highlighted so they are immediately brought to your attention. This saves you time rather than reading through an entire section looking for something. Previewing before I read something in its entirety helps me to remember key terms, ideas and concepts that I should focus on when I read it later. I use previewing in my history class and that has helped me greatly. I preview the section we are reading on, then look at what the assignment calls for and then read the section in its entirety paying special attention to what I need for the assignment. I believe that it would be a good idea for all students to preview something before reading it in its entirety, it saves time and can lead to better grades.

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